I hope that you are having a great week so far. My sweet little ones have been sick for the last four days. We are seeing some improvement, which is good because we are hoping to spend Thanksgiving with family this year. A good portion of our marriage we have lived away from family, so the thought of being able to actually spend Thanksgiving with family this year is really exciting. We love our family on both sides so much, so…we are crossing our fingers that our cute little girls will be better soon. Plus, it always breaks my heart when my children don’t feel well.
Today I wanted to share a fun, simple Fall Art Lesson that produces gorgeous results. I have taught this art lesson to both of my daughter’s Kindergarten classes. I know that children both younger and older would enjoy this art project as well. All of the children I have ever taught this beginning pointillism art lesson to have loved it. There is something magical that happens as the dots are placed on the paper and come to life.
Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are
applied in patterns to form an image or composition.
CLICK HERE to download your free copy of my “Fall Tree Pointillism Art Lesson” that includes: directions, materials list, student examples, and fall photography (that was taken by my amazing Dad).
Please make sure that if you download a copy of this free lesson, that you use it for personal or classroom use only. Please refer to my full “Terms of Use” included in my lesson plan. Thanks!
The only other thing you will want to use to teach this lesson is examples of pointillism paintings, such as:
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Don’t forget to check out my fun fall themed educational and artistic items in my Learn and Grow Designs ETSY shop and Teacher’s Notebook Shop.

This “Fall Tree Pointillism Art Lesson Freebie” post first appeared on my blog, Learn and Grow Designs, on Nov. 26, 2013