We just love the story of Rapunzel in our family and we were so excited when Disney decided to make the movie Tangled. It is one of our favorites now. My girls had a friend over for a play date and so we decided to make a fun Rapunzel craft and read a few Rapunzel books together. I literally pulled this craft together in about 5 minutes, and yet I think it turned out so cute.

I even had fun and made my own Rapunzel Art Project with my girls. I love that my girls are artistic and love to draw and do crafts, because I love crafting and drawing as well.

What we used to make this project:
– a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 cardstock paper for the background.
– a tall silver rectangle for the main tower
– a black triangle for the roof of the triangle, as well as a black silhouette for the window
– a small white circle for Rapunzel’s face
– a piece of purple paper for Rapunzel’s dress
– crepe paper (which we braided) for the hair (I would have used yarn if I had it on hand, but I almost think I liked the texture the crepe paper provided)
-purple glitter glue (to add some sparkly details to the picture)
-green permanent maker (to draw the vines)
– one of my daughters decided to use pipe cleaners for her vines (I love how creative she can be)
– silk flowers to add to Rapunzel’s hair and tower (I happened to have a bundle of small silk flowers, that I ever so gently pulled apart to use for decorations)
– a white crayon to add a design to the roof
– Elmer’s Glue to glue it all down.
The finished projects.

Here are Little Red & Little Blonde’s Rapunzel’s. They loved making them and they turned out pretty cute.

Rapunzel Book Collection:
We then went to the library as well as rummaged through our own personal library and found a bunch of variations of Rapunzel. We spent the next couple of days reading all of the Rapunzel stories, comparing them, and deciding upon which ones were our favorites.

Here are the books we read. Just click on the book to see a larger copy as well as the author, illustrator, and title.

I hope that you have a fun time reading these great books and making your own Rapunzel craft.

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0 thoughts on “Rapunzel Children’s Art Craft and Rapunzel Book List”

  1. This counts as an entry in the Summer Reading Challenge. Thank you for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

    This is so cute! I love the books too.