Pinterest is a virtual pinboard. Pinterest lets you bookmark “pin” wonderful ideas, photos, websites, etc. you find on the web, and then you can organize your pins in different categories.

Some of my pinboards/categories are (

  • What I Think is Beautiful
  • Childhood Memories
  • Children’s Literature and Story Prompts
  • Crafts to Make
  • Educational Items I Love
  • Random Likes
  • Blogs and Websites I Love
  • Artistic Items I Love
  • Awesome Things for Kids
  • Crafty Ideas for Kids
  • Quotes I Love
  • Yummy Food Ideas
  • Vintage Loves
  • Ideas for My Girls Room
  • Books I Love
  • For the Home
  • Digital Scrapbooking and Paper Goods

You can also look at pinboards created by other people to discover new things and then you can “repin” their ideas so you don’t forget them. I have found this is one of the easiest ways of finding great ideas. Then if you like a person’s pinboards you can choose to follow them or just a specific pinboard or “category”. To follow my pinboards or just to look at the items I have pinned click on the “follow me on pinterest” button on my side bar or CLICK HERE,

The great part about Pinterest is that you simply click on the picture you have pinned or someone else has pinned and then it will take you to the website or Blog the idea came from.

In order to be able to be a part of Pinterest you have to receive an invite. So, if you would like an invite, just send me your e-mail address to: learnandgrowshop at yahoo dot com. or simply leave your e-mail address in a comment below.

I am such a visual person and I think that is why I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Pinterest. I have so many ideas saved in folders on my computer and bookmarked in my “Favorites” on my computer, but Pinterest takes it to a whole different level. Now I have a one stop place to save great crafts ideas, recipes, books I want to read, learning activities for my children, beautiful photographs, etc.

Hopefully this information was helpful to you and happy pinning!

P.S. These opinions and ideas are my own.

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