Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss and a Tribute to My Grandparents

  Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel, on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Dr. Seuss was an amazing man who changed the world of children’s literature forever. Can you tell from this picture of our home library how much we love Dr. Seuss books in our family?!? My…

I am Back

I am finally back. Yipee! I will be coming back slowly, but I am so excited to be back in the blogging world. Our move went smoothly. Our 14 hour drive turned into a 18 hour drive because of how slow the moving truck had to go through some of the canyons, but we made…

I am Still Here

If you were wondering, yes I am still here. I feel like the cute image above as I am working hard each day to prepare for our move. The image by the way comes from an amazing blog, Rook No.17. Don’t forget to stop by Jenn’s blog and get ready to be inspired!Back to my…

Mother’s Day Printable Bookmarks and Mother’s Day Children’s Books

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful mothers out there. I wanted to not only make something special for you, but I also wanted to make something your children, students, grandchildren, etc. could make for the special Mother figures in their lives. My girls and I had so much fun making these bookmarks together.…