Chris P. Bacon – My Life So Far... is a story about an inspiring little pig
called, Chris P. Bacon, and his caring adopted father, a veterinarian named
Lucero. Chris P. Bacon was born without the use of his back legs. This adorable
pig became a You Tube and Talk Show sensation when his dad, Len Lucero, posted
a video on You Tube of Chris using a handmade cart made out of toys to help him
get around.

My Review
My daughters and I were absolutely thrilled to receive a
copy of Chris P. Bacon – My Life So Far…, written by Len Lucero and
Kristina Tracy,  in the mail from Hay
House Publishing to review. We had already watched several videos of Chris on
You Tube here and we couldn’t wait to read the story behind this cute little
P. Bacon – My Life So Far…
is a wonderful book that should be added to your home
or school library. At the beginning of the book you find out that when Chris
was just a little piglet he was taken into a veterinarian office. Dr. Len, the veterinarian
at the clinic, decided to take Chris home to be a part of his forever family.
Immediately we loved this part of the story. In our home we have adopted 3
different dogs. Two of our beloved dogs that we had from the time we adopted them
as puppies from the Humane Society both ended up getting cancer over a year ago
and passed away within 3 months of each other. We had Buddy and Maddie for 10
years. We miss them so much and they were more than pets to us, they were a
part of our family. 
About a year ago we then adopted a little rescue dog my daughter’s
named Lily. Lily came into our home with a broken spirit. Lily was severely
mistreated and neglected before a rescue group found her. Although Lily didn’t
have as many physical challenges as Chris P. Bacon, she had a lot of emotional
challenges that she needed a loving family to help her get over. Lily has become such a
brightness in our lives and we love her dearly. She is silly, sweet, and loving. We are so glad that we made the
choice to adopt Lily. 
From our experience with adopting pets and making the
commitment to have them a part of our forever family, we have so much respect
for Dr. Len who made Chris a permanent part of his family.
In Chris P. Bacon – My Life So Far…, the book shares Chris’s first experience
with using a cart, made from toy parts, to help him get around.  It talks about how Chris became a huge
inspiration with children and adults and how he traveled all over the United
States doing interviews and sharing his story. I love the part of the book that
says, “The best thing about my new life is that I get to meet people and
animals who are different…just like me. I think that when they see what a
tiny pink pig can do with a little help-and a lot of grunting-it makes them
realize that they can do all kinds of things, too.”
The illustrations in the book by Penny Weber are so
adorable and colorful. The back of the book also contains real photographs of
Chris P. Bacon which were so much fun to look at.
I highly recommend this book for parents, children,
librarians, school teachers, etc. Chris P. Bacon is such an inspiring story
that both children and adults can relate to. It teaches you that no matter what
obstacles in life come your direction, you can achieve anything, sometimes on
your own, and sometimes with the help of others.

We can’t wait to see what is in store next for the
amazing Chris P. Bacon!
Want to find out more about Chris P. Bacon? You can click here to go to his Facebook page, click here to go to his Twitter account, and
click here to go to his website.
To purchase your own copy of Chris P. Bacon– My Life So Far…  you can click here to go to Hay House
Publishing, click here to be taken to Amazon, or click here to shop at Barnes
and Nobles. 
UPDATE: Chris P. Bacon! – My Life So Far… has become one of my students very favorite teacher read-aloud books. They can’t get enough of him! This book has also brought about so many incredible class discussions!
FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free
from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is
unbiased and reflects my honest judgment and opinion of the book. 
This “Chris P. Bacon – My Life So Far… Book Review” blog post first
appeared on my blog, Learn and Grow Designs, on March 24, 2014.