Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door Book Review:
“If you ain’t
makin’ dust you’re eatin’ it!” Imogene yells. With lines like this, your
children will want to have Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door read out
loud to them over and over again. 
Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door, written by Denette
Fretz, and illustrated by Gene Barretta, is a delightful book full of humor and
life lessons on the importance of loving your neighbor. 
Conrad goes to visit his Uncle Clint at his ranch to learn
how to become a cowboy. Becoming a cowboy turns out to be a lot more difficult
than he thought, so it is a good thing that he brought along his “Mega
Ultimate Extreme First Aid Kit”. Conrad quickly learns that when making
Chuck Wagon Chili, a little bit of cayenne pepper is much better than a lot.
Conrad also discovers on his third and fourth days of cowboy training that you
should never wave a red sweatshirt at a rodeo. Even with all of these different
obstacles Conrad is overcoming, the most difficult obstacle proves to be the
know-it-all cowgirl next-door, Imogene Louise Lathrup. 
There are so many laugh out loud funny moments in Conrad
and the Cowgirl Next Door
, as well as tender moments that prove to be excellent
springboards for meaningful discussions with your children. 
After reading this thoughtfully written and adorably
illustrated book, my daughters and I had a wonderful time discussing what it
feels like to have someone make you feel bad, why we are asked to forgive our
neighbors (as found it St. Matthew 5:43-44), and the miracle of forgiveness. 
As an added bonus, in the back of the book there are hilarious
poems that go with the story, as well as ideas from the author on how to
discuss the moral of the story with your children. This book could be read
together or independently by your children. 
My daughter’s and I really enjoyed reading this book together
and we are happy to be able to add it to our home library. 
Now, for you my readers, I have made a super cute and FREE printable
to go along with reading Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door. CLICK HERE and enjoy!
Would you like a copy of this book yourself? CLICK HERE to go to Barnes and Nobles or CLICK HERE to go to Amazon.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I
received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book
review bloggers program ( I was not required to
write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am
disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part
and the Cowgirl Next Door Book Review” blog post first appeared on my blog, Learn
and Grow Designs, on Sept. 22, 2014. 

0 thoughts on “Conrad and the Cowgirl Next Door Book Review with FREE Printable”

  1. Hi Shauna,

    Besides being a writer, I am also a first grade teacher. I love the extension activity you made!

    Thank you for your kind words,
    Denette Fretz