~Talking to What’s Bugging You, is an excellent book written by
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and his daughter Saje Dyer. Saje tells a wonderful story of
her childhood where she was able to overcome a physical condition by changing
her attitude and not allowing her physical problem to have power over her. This
book is wonderfully illustrated by Stacey Heller Budnick with adorable and
cheerful illustrations. 
I love
the message in the story that helps children understand that sometimes things
that bother them about themselves can be changed while other times they need to
embrace their uniqueness. Even though we may not be able to change a situation,
we have the power and choice on how to let our limitations and challenges
affect us. I love the saying, “I choose to be happy!” Sometimes that
can be a very difficult thing, but I think that it is important to teach our
children to think positively about themselves and to know that they are each
special and unique individuals. As adults, we would be smart to have the same
thought process. My daughters and I love the quote in our family “We are
daughters of God, who loves us, and we love him” (you could easily substitute
the word daughters for sons). God made each of us unique and we need to embrace
our uniqueness. 
In the
back of the book Dr. Wayne and Saje Dyer have written a letter to parents. I
love the part where they say “Yes, there are some things that none of us
can change or make go away, but taking the focus off of “it” really
does make a difference”.

I made
this printable poster for you to go along with the quote. Simply click on the above picture and then click “save as” to save a copy for yourself. Please
remember that this poster is for personal or classroom use only. Thanks!
reading Good-bye, Bumps!, with my children, we were able to have a
wonderful discussion. I love it when we find books like this one, where the
story is engaging, the message is powerful, the pictures are lovely, and you
can have great dialogues with your kids. I asked my daughters what they thought
of this book and they gave it two thumbs up. I would give it two thumbs up as
well with a 5 out of 5 star rating!
Click Here to be taken to where you can purchase this wonderful book from Hay House Publishing.
Click Here to be taken to where you can purchase this wonderful book from Amazon.
are a few more children’s book titles written by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer that I can’t
wait to check out and read with my daughters:
You! 10 ways to let your Greatness shine through.
Me! 10 Ways to soar Through Life
Not What You’ve Got! Lessons for Kids on M0ney and Abundance
Excuses! How What You Say Can Get In Your Way
I am –
Why Two Little Words Mean So Much

Thanks for stopping by and don’t to check out more of my Children’s Book Reviews HERE.

You can also find more great books on my “Children’s Books and Activities” Pinterest board HERE.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House
Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects
my honest judgment and opinion of the book. 
This “Good-bye,
Bumps! Talking to What’s Bugging You Book Review and Free Printable” first appeared on my
blog, Learn and Grow Designs, on March 13, 2014.