Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss was born Theodor Seuss Geisel, on March 2,
1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Dr. Seuss was an amazing man who
changed the world of children’s literature forever.

Can you tell from this picture of our home library how
much we love Dr. Seuss books in our family?!? My favorite Dr. Seuss
book I own has to be my older copy of, The Cat in the Hat. The one in the picture that has it’s spine about ready to fall off. This
particular copy of The Cat in the Hat has an inscription in the front from my sweet grandparents (who
have both since passed away). The inscription lets me know how proud
they were of me for what a “good little
first grader” I was, and for how well I was doing in school. My grandmother often gave me books and she always signed the inside of the cover. I am so glad she did that because first of all I remember who gave me the book, and secondly I get to see my grandmother’s handwriting every time I open up one of the books she gave me. My grandmother even spent quiet a few years as an Elementary School Librarian in a small Utah town both of my parents grew up in. 

I am so
grateful I had a grandmother who had a love for books and encouraged me to love and appreciate books at a very young age. Now my own daughters have that same love
of reading and I attribute a part of that love to my grandmother. My Grandmother Lois was one of the kindest, happiest, sweetest people you could ever meet. She passed away on March 9, 2000, so almost 15 years ago to the day. Even though my children never met their Great Grandma Lois during this earthly life, I know that she was probably the one holding them right before they came down to this earth to be a part of our family. 

Honestly, not a day goes by that I don’t think of my grandmother and my grandfather (whom we have always called Grandpa Bear). My Grandpa Bear (Obbie) passed away in 2007. He was the ultimate outdoorsman, and sportsman, and he spent 35 years as a Sheriff. I sure do love and miss both of my grandparents. What a blessing it was to have been able to have had the close relationship I had with each of them, while they were still alive. 

I am also grateful that I have another set of wonderful grandparents (my Mom’s parents), who are still alive today, and mean so very much to me as well. My Grandpa Von turned 88 years old this year, and every moment I spend with him I count it as a blessing from God. He is a dear, hardworking, generous Man. My Grandma Carol is as spry as can be and will probably outlive me. Ha! She is such a cute grandma and I definitely developed my love for flower gardening and doll collecting from her. Both my Grandpa Von and my Grandma Carol have been working in the car business for over 60 years, and they still work a few hours each day at the Car Dealership. Amazing!

Thanks for letting me reminese a minute and double thanks if you are still reading this post. 


Going back to Dr. Seuss, I was trying to see which Dr. Seuss book I own that was the oldest. I believe it is my copy of, The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins. This particular book was published in 1938. I actually just recently found the book at a Thrift Store a couple of weeks ago. What a treasure to find. 

If you would like some fun ideas, free printables, or art projects to go along with a Dr. Seuss theme, don’t forget to check out my other Dr. Seuss posts HERE


Do you, your children, grandchildren, library patrons, or students have a favorite Dr. Seuss book? I would love to hear what it is by commenting below. Also, is there a Dr. Seuss book that you have discovered that you weren’t as familiar with? I would love to hear your answer to that too.