“Henry Hodges was one of the loneliest boys. No friends
lived near him; he didn’t like toys.”
“Son, you are special!” Father said with a grin.
“We’ll look high and look low for the perfect new friend.”
Henry Hodges was a lonely little boy who long for a friend to
spend time with and make him laugh. In the book, Henry Hodges Needs a Friend,
written by, Andy Andrews, and illustrated by, Colleen Madden, Henry’s father
suggests that they find Henry a “one-of-a-kind” pet, to help with his
loneliness. Henry begins to think of what a “one-of-a-kind” pet could
be. Could it be a goldfish with antlers, a turtle who sings, a figure-skating
Henry’s family ends up at a shelter for animals, which they
decide is the perfect place to find a “one-of-a-kind” pet. While
exploring the shelter he notices curled up in a little corner, the loneliest
pup, “covered in brown spots” and “filled with sad
Henry and the pup immediately for a bond and he names the
dog, Hap, short for Happy. Henry tells the pup that he will no longer be lonely
because they will always have each other. The author Andy Andrews then tells
about the sweet adventures that Henry and his newly adopted dog Hap have
together, and how laughter, and joy once fill the air. 
I love how at the end of the book the author says, “If
we’re lonely or sad, God knows just what we need. And for Henry, his Hap was
the best choice indeed.”
I grew up in a family that absolutely adored and respected
dogs. Even though my father and younger sister were terribly allergic to cats,
we even took in a few stray cats or two. Our pets were not just our pets, they
became family members. Now that I am married and I have my own children, I have
tried to instill in them the same mindset that I learned as a child. Since I
have been married we have adopted and rescued four different dogs. I absolutely
love the motto “adopt, don’t shop”.

CLICK HERE to read more about our experience with adopting our dogs and to see pictures of our adorable fur babies.


I have also had the privilege of
volunteering at a local animal shelter. I can’t
tell you what a life changing, special experience that was. I miss spending
time with the amazing animals in the shelter, walking them, socializing them,
and loving them. There are thousands of deserving cats and dogs in shelters
just waiting for their forever homes. Now that we have recently moved, I can’t wait to find a new shelter close by to
star volunteering at.
Just like Henry, all of our dogs have brought us so much joy
and happiness. The unconditional love and friendship an animal can give to you,
is irreplaceable. Animals give us so much more, than we can ever give back to
them. I can’t tell you how many times myself, or one of my family members have been comforted by one of our sweet dogs.
My daughters and I loved reading Andy Andrews book, Henry
Hodges Needs a Friend
. We couldn’t get enough of the rhyming text, the adorable
illustrations, and the message of the book. We have read Andrews book several
times as a family and I plan on sharing the book with my students at school
this year. Henry Hodges Needs a Friend is a must read book and I highly
recommend you putting it on your “to purchase” or your “to
read” wish lists. 
To learn more about New York Times Best Selling Author, Andy Andrew, CLICK HERE.
To learn more about the talented illustrator, Colleen Madden, CLICK HERE.
To purchase your own copy of Henry
Hodges Needs a Friend
from Amazon CLICK HERE , or CLICK HERE to purchase it from Barnes
and Noble. 
Disclosure of Material Connection: I
received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book
review bloggers program ( I was not required to
write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am
disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part
This “Henry Hodges Needs a
Friend Book Review” blog post first appeared
on my blog, Learn and Grow Designs, on July 25, 2015.