I am finally back. Yipee! I will be coming back slowly, but I am so excited to be back in the blogging world.
Our move went smoothly. Our 14 hour drive turned into a 18 hour drive because of how slow the moving truck had to go through some of the canyons, but we made it.
We are still in the process of selling our home, so we will be living in temporary housing until our home sells. It is a cute little apartment and we look at it as an adventure until we move to a more permanent location. It is kind of crazy being in a completely different state than you are used to living, and I don’t think reality has hit me yet that we are not just on vacation. But, the exciting thing is I now live by my sister (which is fun to be living near family again), and the day after we arrived she had her first baby. We made it just in time! So welcome to my newest little nephew! He is a cutie!
This summer will be quiet an adventure for us: living in a new state, having most of our belongings in storage, living close to family, trying to sell our beautiful home many states away, living in an apartment with my 2 little ones, hubby, and our two labs (we are taking lots of fun walks but I think my dogs are missing their big fenced in yard), we will be getting lots of swimming in since the pool is within walking distance, writing letters to old friends, lots of art projects and learning time planned, exploring new places, trying out new recipes, sharing things with you through my blog, creating new learning materials, lots of painting and drawing, and reconnecting with some old friends.
Even though I miss our old friends and neighbors, I am thrilled with the place we were able to find to live. It is safe, and clean, it takes me 2 seconds to clean up, and the most stressful thing to worry about at the moment is unpacking the mountains of boxes I haven’t got to yet. My girls are doing pretty good with the move. My oldest has had a few days where she has been sad, crying about missing her old friends and school teacher. But, all in all we are in good spirits, and we are looking forward to what the future beholds for us.
Thanks for your patience, and sorry to those who have left comments and I haven’t had a chance to respond back to yet. I am borrowing the internet from my sister, because our internet hasn’t been hooked up yet. But, I have a new Zoo Themed Newsletter to share with you soon.

0 thoughts on “I am Back”

  1. Yeah! I was so glad to see you back! We did a big cross country move last year–from Florida to North Carolina. I hope everything goes well for you.