If you were wondering, yes I am still here. I feel like the cute image above as I am working hard each day to prepare for our move. The image by the way comes from an amazing blog, Rook No.17. Don’t forget to stop by Jenn’s blog and get ready to be inspired!
Back to my MIA status, in about a week my life will slow down drastically and I will be back with my “All Things Wonderful Link-up” that has been neglected for a couple of weeks, as well more great ideas and printables to share.
I just finished my A-Z coloring book that I have been working on off and on for a year now. I love how all of the illustrations turned out and I can’t wait to share it with you. Now I just need a little time. :0)
I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things because I have missed my blog and participating in other blogs link parties.
Take care and have a marvelous week! I myself am calling it a good night as soon as I tape yet another box I just packed up.

P.S. Don’t forget to go to this post, CLICK HERE, and print out my fun “All About Dad & All About Grandpa” page that I have made to share with you. :0)