This month I wanted to focus on the “12 Months of the Year” with my preschool class and children. I really wanted them to understand what a month was, and what makes each month of the year special. Besides our normal calendar routine where we discuss the months of the year, I wanted to be able to fit in other fun, learning moments to go along with this topic. In searching on the Internet and at Teacher Resource Stores, I found that there is not a lot out there to help teach about the months of the year. There are a lot of resources that cover the 4 seasons, but I wanted my student to visually be able to read each month of the year, as well as hear it’s name out loud.

So, I came up with this very exciting 40 page “12 Months of the Year Activity Pack” that I have just added to my Learn and Grow Etsy Store.

Today I am going to share with you some ideas for teaching the months of the year, as well as share with you what comes in this exciting educational unit. Of course at the end I am going to give you a FREE download for my “12 Months of the Year Book” that my students’ as well as my own little girls LOVED doing. I hope that you will enjoy making this book with your children or students.

Plus, at the end of the post I will share with you wonderful Children’s books you can read to go along with this topic, as well as an exciting giveaway. So, keep reading! I promise, it will be worth reading through this some what lengthy post.

This is the first activity included in the packet, a “12 Months of the Year Picture Memory Game”. These pictures were taken of my little girls and I playing the memory game together. Both my preschooler and my Kindergartner had so much fun playing this game, and we had a great discussion about what happens each month of the year. It is hard to see in the picture, but each card that goes along with this, “12 Month’s of the Year File Folder Game”, has a circle that contains a design that represents that particular month. File Folder games are great for introducing as well as reviewing skills learned. I printed off these “12 Months of the Year Tracers and Play-Doh Mats” for my students and made them into a book. They were so proud of how well they traced the months, and it was great fine motor practice. Another fun thing to do with the tracers is laminate them, and then using play-doh cover up each letter of the month. What a fun way to learn how to spell and say each month. These are pictures of Little Blonde and Little Red putting together the “12 Months of the Year 3-Part Puzzles”. It is funny, they dumped all of the pieces on the floor, and had a race to see who could put the most puzzles together. Update: I added the month’s names to each 3 part puzzle. That way when your child or student puts the puzzles together, they will spell out the month as well. I have included a “12 Months of the Year Song Chart” as well as “Birthday Activity” page in the packet. I love using the song “Sing Through the Year” by Twin Sisters, as well to teach the month of the years. It is a little bit slower pace, but my students have been practicing signing it all month, and most can tell you the months of the year. The unit includes a “12 Months of the Year Coloring Page” that is great for reviewing the months, as well as a page that gives you more ideas for using the resources included in this unit. Here are the “12 Months of the Year Titles” you will receive. I give you different ideas for using them, such as putting the title cards in order starting with January. For older kids you could also have them put the month titles in alphabetical order. Now for one of my favorite parts of the unit that I am sharing with you today. My “12 Months of the Year Book”. This book is awesome and can be used for so many different ages. You as a teacher, mother, grandmother, father, uncle, etc. could even use it for yourself. CLICK HERE to download your copy of my “12 Months of the Year Book”.

There are SO many DIFFERENT ways you can USE this BOOK such as:
You can write down a favorite memory for each page, you could illustrate something that happens each month of the year, you could glue a photo onto each page that was taken during that particular month, you could use it as a sticker book and put stickers on each page that go along with the holidays of the month, you could practice writing the months of the year on each page, you could list birthdays of your family members, or classmates on the corresponding month page, you could make a mini paper craft and glue it onto each page, etc.

Have fun creating memories!

You will receive the “12 Months of the Year Book” in color & in black and white. I gave each of my girls and my students a bunch of different stickers that went along with each month. They then placed the stickers on the corresponding pages as well as added illustrations to each page. Here are a few of the books that we have enjoyed reading while learning about the 12 Months of the Year:Now time for the giveaway. Two lucky My Shae Noel Blog readers will receive this entire 40 page “12 Months of the Year Learning Unit” for FREE. That’s not all. The two lucky winners will also be able to choose two more items of their choice (not including the scrapbooking kits) from my Etsy Store, This giveaway is open to everyone, and the winner will receive all three of the items sent to them digitally through their e-mail address. Please make sure that I have a way of contacting you by either leaving your e-mail address in your comment or a link to your blog/website in your comment. This giveaway is not for a hard copy of the items, but for a digital copy. The giveaway ends on Sun., May 1st, and the winners will be announced on Monday, May 2nd.
Giveaway Rules:
1. Mandatory Entry– Leave a comment on this post.
2. Optional Entries (leave a new comment for each entry):

*Become a follower of My Shae Noel – All Things Wonderful Blog and let me know you have done so. If you are already a follower, thanks, and let me know that as well.

*Become a follower of page by CLICKING HERE. Leave me a comment to let me know if you are already a follower as well.

*Post this giveaway on your blog, and let me know that you have done this.

*Check out my Etsy Store,, and let me know what items you would choose if you are one of the 2 lucky winners.

Good luck!

Don’t forget to CLICK HERE to be taken to my other giveaway, where I am giving away 21 Preschool/Kindergarten Learning Materials. This giveaway ends on May 1st as well.

0 thoughts on “Ideas for Teaching the Months of the Year, a new unit, FREE download, and Giveaway”

  1. First commenter again! I just LOVE this packet! I am really excited about the free download as well. I appreciate you including the black and white as well as printing in color is not always an option. 🙂

  2. I looked at your Etsy shop, and I would definitely choose the Zoo Matching File Folder Game, as that is my kids' favorite place to go. And the Shape Fun Activities would be our other choice. Thanks again!

  3. We are just starting homeschooling and this would be a fantastic addition! Our little girl is so excited for school!
    JDuskwind at gmail dot com

  4. Just looked at your etsy and my top two picks (and it was hard to narrow it down to two) would be the shape activities and the pirate theme.

    semicciche at gmail dot com

  5. From your etsy shop I would pick the Pirate themed learning pack – looks like soooo much fun! And my daughter's already said she wants a pirate birthday party next year. 🙂

  6. This looks so great! I've been wondering how to teach my oldest about the months. Thanks for hosting this giveaway…

  7. From your etsy shop, I'd probably choose the Magic Hat (love that book) and worms units. They look like a lot of fun.

    goldfuss1 [at] frontier [dot] com

  8. OH MY GOODNESS, how have I never seen this blog before now? I love it. I'm sure that I'll spend nap time today digging into the archives!

    Thanks for visiting sweet and lovely crafts!

  9. Shauna, you are awesome! This is fabulous. I will be teaching my daughter for preschool next year. I'm keeping this one on hand! I love it!

    Thanks for sharing at For the Kids Friday! You're featured this week (posting tomorrow), and I'm off to share this on my facebook page as well. Stop by and grab an A++ button, and be sure to link up again!! 🙂