Why hello! It is amazing how fast time flies and how things can change in your life in an instant. Some times good changes, other times more difficult changes. More about that later.

So, Instagram. LOVE IT! I have always liked taking pictures. A lot of times my pictures are of: random things I want to remember, things I want to paint, things I want to reference, just because…, etc. I also completely and utterly love taking pictures of my family. So you can imagine how much I love Instagram.

Since I adore (yes adore) Instagram, I thought I would share with you some of the latest pictures I have posted. Yes, I post pictures a lot more on my Instagram account than any other Social Media Platform I am a part of. Plus, maybe you didn’t even know I had an Instagram account.

Here is a little synopsis of some of my latest pictures I have shared through Instagram. If I was you, I would run over to my Instagram Account as fast as you can to see a lot more Instagram goodies.

The only thing I wish was different about Instagram, was that
it was easier to switch back and forth between different Instagram
accounts. For instance, I have my @learnandgrowdesigns
Instagram account that I post frequently on. Then there is my personal
account where I post pictures of my family (which is a private account,
sorry). That poor account has maybe two pictures posted because I don’t
want to take the time to log out and log back into each account. Silly I

This Weeks Preview:

  1. Beautiful fresh flowers displayed in my late grandmother’s vintage milk glass vase.
  2.  My new throw pillows. Oh how I love how they added that perfect finishing touch to my family room. 
  3. Why hello to you as well Gracie Belle. Gracie Belle, one of my sweet rescue dogs, just stopping in to say hi.
  4. 1980’s/1990’s memorabilia loves. Just a few of my favorite characters growing up (Rainbow Brite, Garfield, Little Critter, Get-a-Long Gang, Sesame Street, Little Miss and Mr. Men, and Strawberry Shortcake’s Blueberry Muffin). All in my own personal collection. Remember any of these characters?
  5. Wuzzles, oh how adorable I thought you were. Yep, my own little collection again.
  6. Grading. When you are a teacher does it ever stop? Nope. Crazy enough, most of the time I think grading is fun. I know, but as you can see in the picture I love adding that perfect little sticker or note to my student’s papers to brighten their day. The part I don’t love about grading, entering the grades into the computer. Blah!

Well that was fun.  Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for a peak at my fun, somewhat eclectic pictures. Let me know what your Instagram account is and I will be sure to stop by.

Have a great week!

This “Learn and Grow Designs Instagram Fun” blog post first appeared
on my blog, Learn and Grow Designs, on Oct. 18, 2015.