I have so many exciting things happening in my life and my families life right now and I can’t wait to start sharing them with you.  The excitement has to do with a recent big move, another rescue dog added to our family, a new 3rd grade teaching position for next year, and more. So many things, so much excitement! For tonight however, I wanted to share a fun Teacher’s Pay Teachers Challenge, #TPTSELLERCHALLENGE, that I am joining up with the next couple of weeks. I thought that it would be the perfect challenge to get back into blogging, as well as to force myself to set aside some time to work on my Learn and Grow Designs Shops.

This past weeks challenge was to chose a product from our shop that we wanted to either completely makeover or simply makeover the cover for. I decided to do a little of both. I chose to work on “My Summer Drawing Activity Book” since today it was 106 degrees and it definitely felt like summer.

Here is a closer look at the fun drawing and writing activities include in “My Summer Drawing Activity Book”.

You can CLICK HERE to head on over to my Learn and Grow Designs Teachers Pay Teachers Shop, where you will be able to download a FREE sample page from this book.

What are you most excited about this summer?

This “TPT Seller Challenge Summer 2015” post first
appeared on my blog, Learn and Grow Designs, on June 22, 2015.

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