This month in preschool and at home we have been talking all about Zoo Animals, during our “Colorful Zoo” themed learning unit. I don’t know who has had more fun, myself, or the kids. Since I love both art and literature, I decided to make a fun “Zoo Book” for my students and my children to put together. Each zoo animal has it’s own page that includes an art project, facts, and some poetry and songs. There is also some more exciting pages included in the book that I will share with you on a different post. I am going to share a preview of one of my art projects today. I am almost finished creating the book, and once I do it will be available to download at my Etsy store. The Zoo book will come with all of the pages and patterns needed to complete this book. I will keep you posted, because seriously, this is one of my favorite things I have created.
Today, I want to share with you a “Giraffe Art Project” we made as well as a “Mini Giraffe Unit” I made for you.
My Shae Noel Giraffe Mini Unit:
In this FREE download, you will receive a the fun giraffe art project that you can see pictured below, a giraffe puzzle (I love it when I get to use my own illustrations. It just makes me happy.), and a list of Children’s Book suggestions when teaching about giraffes. CLICK HERE to save and/or print this “Giraffe Mini Unit”. If you love it, let me know. Your comments not only inspire me to share more, but they also make my day.
My Giraffe Artwork SampleHere is a sample of the art project that is included in this mini unit. We made the giraffe’s spots on his neck by cutting out shapes from felt. My daughter’s and one of my student’s artwork samples. My little ones loved making their giraffes. Of course their favorite part was gluing on the felt spots. They liked the soft texture. I love how one of my students decided that his giraffe needed to be green and yellow. Why not right? Remember, it is the process, not the product that counts. I love that saying. I also love how awesome of a job my girls did in cutting out their giraffes (top right giraffe, and bottom middle giraffe). Not bad for a 6 and 4 year old. Here are some fun and informational books we enjoyed reading when talking about giraffe’s.

Here is another great read-aloud:Ten Tall Giraffes by Brian Moses Now it is time for you to link up a “wonderful” post from your blog or website. It could be a wonderful tutorial, something you have done with your children, a piece of artwork you have made, a favorite recipe, DIY craft project, decorating ideas, wonderful things you have found in blog land, etc.
Come join the fun every Monday. Link up to this post, and let us know what is going on over at your blog.
Link up Rules (short and sweet):
1. Please type in the direct link to the post you are sharing, not your blogs home page.
2. Use a short title describing your post you are sharing. ie. Kids Snack Idea @myshaenoel, or gardeningtips@myshaenoel, etc.
3.All links shared must be family friendly, and not contain anything offensive or inappropriate as far as pictures, language, and content, etc.

This week I plan on linking this post to (see their buttons on my side bar):
Made By Little Hands Monday, Rook No. 17: A Little Birdie Told Me, abc and 123 Show & Tell, Running With Glitter, Show Me What You Got at Not Just a Housewife, Sisters Stuff, A Crafty Soiree, Free Pretty Things for You, Creative Share Wednesday, A Mommy’s Adventure-A Great stART, Handmade Love Thursday, For the Kids Friday, Fun For Kids Friday, Read-Explore-Learn, Preschool Corner with Homeschool Creations, Weekend Wander, What My Child is Reading, No Time for Flashcards, Just Something I Whipped Up at the Girl Creative, and Teach Preschool

0 thoughts on “Giraffe Art Project- Mini Unit, and All Things Wonderful Link Up 5/16”

  1. WE just visited the zoo too. I linked up Elephant books on What my Child is Reading! I'll have to see if the boys want to do girafees next.

  2. I love the moments you have paused on your header. The giraffes are so cute!

    Thank you for you comment on Shell's post and for sharing on Read.Explore.Learn.

  3. Hi there, love your blog, new follower and just posted a link up blog post to your party! I also linked up two projects! Rock on !

  4. I love your giraffe art and mini unit! I'm definitely sending a link off to all my teacher friends! I love your creativity! So glad you linked up again for "A Little Birdie Told Me…" Tuesday.

    I'm thrilled to be here to link up for your party as well! I brought a cake 🙂

    Jenn/Rook No. 17

  5. I'm back to link up 🙂 Thanks for stopping by Ready. Set. Read. I'm now following and look forward to more of your link ups. It's always good to find a new one as I find a bunch of new blogs!!

  6. Hi Shauna! A couple of days ago at the Greenville Zoo in SC a baby giraffe was born 🙂 so as you can imagen with two lil boys (7 & 3) it's ALL about giraffes right now around here. I click for your print outs but it's not working for me, is it possible for you to email me or fix your link? Thank you so very much, your artwork is very cute! 🙂

  7. Marie,
    How much fun and amazing to see a baby giraffe born. I just checked my link and it worked for me, however I would be more than happy to e-mail you the mini unit. Just send me your e-mail address. You can find mine underneath the "contact information" tab at the top of my blog.
    Thanks for your kind words and I will look forward to hearing back from you.
    Take Care,