Thanks to all of you entered my first giveaway! I really appreciated your wonderful comments. Since it is the New Year, I decided to randomly draw not just two, but three entries… And the winners are…

Kim said…
We would LOVE to have this one!! I am on my way to your etsy store to check it out now πŸ™‚ You do a great job!!

Betts Family said…
Woo Hoo even if I don’t win I’ll help you get the word out and link you to my blog because you are amazing, so glad you are doing this!!

Laura said…
I hope I win, because that whole unit looks fantastic!!!

How to Claim Your Prize:
I will need to have you three lucky winners e-mail your choice of which of my three new Learning Units (as mentioned in the original giveaway post) you would like, as well as what you would like to spend your $15.00 on from my Etsy Shop, Please send your e-mails to:, and I will then e-mail you back all of your FREE digital learning materials. Happy Learning!

For everyone else, come visit again soon because I will be posting a New FREE download, as well as a fun snowman craft idea you can do with your children.

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