This is such a fun art project with little prep work or materials involved. After talking about the artist Paul Klee, each student was given an 8×10 paper. The awesome mother that I am an art docent with for my daughter’s Kindergarten Class explained different types of lines and demonstrated them to the students. Each…
If I Were President… Activity and Download
Happy President’s Day! Today here in the United States we celebrated President’s Day. I knew I wanted to do something special with my daughter’s to talk a little about what a President was as well as our current president. The girls and I had a great discussion about what it means to be the president…
Simple Flower Valentine’s Day Cards
This is a cute, yet simple Valentine’s Day card that I made with my girls last year. I got the idea from one of my issues of Family Fun Magazine. I love Family Fun Magazines and as soon as I get my new issue I go through and bend back all of the pages that…
Old MacDonald Interactive Book Download
This month in preschool we are doing a very fun Farm Theme. I wanted to teach the students the familiar song, “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”, but I also wanted to send something home with them that they could use to practice the song in a fun way. That is when I came up with…
Snowman Collage Art Project
Snowman Collage Art Project This is such a fun art project to do with your children. I love snowman, and I also love the bright colors the tissue paper adds to this project. I was able to do this project with both my preschool class as well as my daughter’s Kindergarten class. I help out…