Ideas for Teaching the Months of the Year, a new unit, FREE download, and Giveaway

This month I wanted to focus on the “12 Months of the Year” with my preschool class and children. I really wanted them to understand what a month was, and what makes each month of the year special. Besides our normal calendar routine where we discuss the months of the year, I wanted to be…

I Can Take Care of My Teeth Kit and All Things Wonderful Link Up 4-11

While we were learning about different community helpers, we spent a day on Dentists, and talked about taking care of our teeth. After reading the two fun books at the bottom of the page we talked about the students’ experiences going to a visit the dentist, what happens at the dentist, why we should brush…

February Preschool Newsletter Download- Bugs and Creepy Crawlies

It’s here… my new February Preschool Newsletter. This month my preschool’s theme is “Bugs and Creepy Crawlies”. This is such a fun theme, one of my favorites! I hope that you can get a few new ideas to use with your children. Let me know if you download the newsletter and you want me to…