While we were learning about different community helpers, we spent a day on Dentists, and talked about taking care of our teeth. After reading the two fun books at the bottom of the page we talked about the students’ experiences going to a visit the dentist, what happens at the dentist, why we should brush our teeth and floss, and the proper way of brushing and flossing our teeth. I wanted the students to have a fun hands on activity where they could practice flossing and brushing our teeth, and I that is how I came up with my “I Can Take Care of My Teeth Kit”. This was a simple project for the students to put together and I LOVED the fact that I could use up all of the egg cartons I have been saving since the beginning of the school year. To make this kit you need:

  • an egg carton
  • a piece of yarn (for the floss)
  • a toothbrush
  • a shape of a tooth cut out
  • glue
  • the “I Can Take Care of My Teeth Kit” labels that you can download below.
  • you could also let your children/students decorate their egg carton by coloring it or adding art materials to it.Glue the tooth shape to the front of the egg carton and then stick on the label. The inside of the egg carton is used to store the toothbrush and “floss” when they are not being used. The outside of the egg carton are the “teeth” where your little ones will practice flossing and brushing. Here are some of my students hard at work. This was much more fun than me just getting up in front of the students and saying… “This is how you brush your teeth”… CLICK HERE to download the labels for this kit.

Here are the two books that we read to go along with our Community Helper Dentist Theme:

Now it is time for you to link up a “wonderful” post from your blog or website. It could be a wonderful tutorial, something you have done with your children, a favorite recipe, DIY craft project, decorating ideas, giveaways you are hosting, wonderful things you have found in blog land, etc.

Come join the fun every Monday. Link up to this post, and let us know what is going on over at your blog. This link list will be active until Sunday evening.

Link up Rules (short and sweet):

1. Please type in the direct link to the post you are sharing, not your blogs home page.

2. Use a short title describing your post you are sharing. ie. Kids Snack Idea @myshaenoe

3.All links shared must be family friendly, and not contain anything offensive or inappropriate as far as pictures, language, and content, etc.

4. I would love to have you follow my blog or add my “All Things Wonderful Link Up Button” to your post or somewhere on your blog. Thanks a million!

I am linking this post to : A Mommy Adventure stART, Read, Explore, Learn, What My Child is Reading, abc and 123 learning, as well as more great links on my side bar. Have fun exploring some great link ups, and don’t forget to link up to my “All Things Wonderful” link up as well.

0 thoughts on “I Can Take Care of My Teeth Kit and All Things Wonderful Link Up 4-11”

  1. such a great idea! i've done a million (maybe two million) things with egg cartons, but never used them as practice teeth!
    love it to pieces.
    fabulous blog.
    aaaaand.. followed.
    thanks for coming over and introducing yourself!
    -shawna (with a double-you) 🙂

  2. What a cute project! My girls would love this :0)

    I love the Little Critter books they were my favorite when I was little.

    Thank you for linking up to stART :0)

  3. First time on your blog, and I am amazed with all the creative things you have! Love the dentist toolkit!
    I volunteer with Water For People an have been to Bolivia for water an sanitation projects. We use similar toolkits for hygiene education. I think I will get some ideas from your blog!

  4. Quiverfull (Shawna), love that we share the same name. I am so glad to have found your blog.
    Michelle, I am so glad that I was able to participate in stART this week, and I hope I can participate often.
    llke, so glad you have enjoyed my blog. How neat that you were able to do such wonderful humanitarian work!
    Jodie, thanks for stopping by. I love all of your gorgeous and creative home decor projects. I look forward to trying a few out myself.
    Take care everyone and thanks for you comments,