I was thinking this evening of all of the blessings my family has received from paying our tithing. Tithing is definitely an act of faith. In our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we believe in paying tithing, which is 10% of our income. Since everything we have comes in one way or another from Heavenly Father, paying tithing is really just giving one-tenth back to him.

The tithing money is used to help:

  1. Pay the expenses for building and maintaining meetinghouses, temples, and other church buildings.
  2. Help those who are less fortunate.
  3. Aide in humanitarian relief.
  4. Support missionary work and family history work, etc.

Honestly, we don’t miss the money. Even when times have been tough throughout our marriage, and we felt like we would be cutting it close to pay or bills and pay tithing, the times when we paid our tithing, somehow we had our ends meet. Other times when we thought we better pay our bills first, then didn’t have the money we needed to pay a full tithe, we really struggled.

I wanted to make a little poster to share with our daughters why we pay our tithing, and the blessings they will have from paying their own tithing. I love the quote I put on the poster, “Paying tithing is an act of faith, with eternal blessings.” I was also excited to use the illustration I drew a while ago of Heavenly Father.

If you would like to download this “Tithing Poster” for your family our your class, CLICK HERE. Then click File, and download original.

God bless,