Veggie Tales:  Pirates,Mess Detectives, and a Superhero,  by
Karen Poth, is a wonderful Zonderkidz “I
Can Read!” book
. In this 3 in 1 book “young readers follow their
favorite Veggie friends in3 easy-to-read stories that help teach early reading
skills as well as sound morals and Bible-based life lessons”. The three
stories included in this VeggieTales book are: Pirates, Mess Detectives, and a Superhero.  
My 9 and 7 yr. old daughters and I had so much fun reading
this book together. You may think that my girls might be a little too old to
read a VeggieTales book, but they weren’t.  My girls were captivated by this book, they
enjoyed the bright illustrations,  and they
excitedly took turns reading the different stories out loud.  
This VeggieTales book is an excellent discussion tool for
parents to use with their children in discussing moral issues like: the
importance of learning and sticking with something, the importance of
communication and forgiveness, and the importance of listening. I think that one
of my favorite parts about reading this book was the wonderful open-ended discussions
that my children and I were able to have. I think that it so important to not
only talk about moral issues with our children, but to also take the time to listen
to what our children have to say. 
I am excited about adding this book to our home library and
about sharing it with you today. This book is a  face paced, quick read, with a wonderful
message at the end of each story.  I
would say that the book might be a little too challenging for a Kindergartner
to read but perfect for a first grader that can read simple sentences and sight
words as well as any older Elementary aged child.
Want to check our more VeggieTales fun? Head on over to
their website:, where you will find fun printable activities
for children along with resources for parents. 

 This is a fun crossword puzzle I printed off for my girls from

Here is a cute matching game for younger children that you can print off for free at
Disclosure of Material Connection: I
received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book
review bloggers program ( I was not required to
write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am
disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part
This “VeggieTales
3 in 1 book: Pirates, Mess Detectives, and a Superhero Book Review” first
appeared on my blog, Learn and Grow Designs, on March 1, 2014.